MUST Values & Principles


MUST is committed to maintaining the highest ethical standards and to upholding the public’s trust. This Code of Ethics forms the ethical principles that guide all members of the university community in all decisions and activities. These principles are:

  • Respect: We nurture a climate of care, concern, fairness, and civility towards others while recognizing and embracing each individual’s dignity, freedom, and diversity.
    Honesty and Integrity: We act and communicate truthfully and candidly. We uphold the university’s values and make decisions based on general welfare, conducting ourselves free of personal conflicts or appearances of impropriety and self-dealing.
  • Communication: We openly share information with all stakeholders regarding the processes used in creating policies as well as making decisions for the university.
  • Stewardship: We use university resources in a wise and prudent manner in order to achieve our educational mission and strategic objectives, not for personal benefit or gain.
  • Excellence: We conduct all university affairs diligently; exercising due professional care and strive to meet the high expectations we have set for ourselves as well as the expectations of those we serve.
  • Responsibility and Accountability: We are trustworthy and answerable for our conduct, decisions and obligations and comply with all applicable laws, regulations, policies and procedures. We recognize our obligation to report unethical conduct to appropriate authorities.


MUST enjoys a position of influence, as an educator and employer in the region, nationally and internationally. Recognizing that with privilege comes responsibility and duties, the Code of Ethics MUST adopts, describes how those responsibilities are fulfilled.

This Code articulates the overarching framework of ethical principles that govern MUST community. Its principles underpin all University policies and our approach to partnerships with other institutions. The code applies to all MUST University activities undertaken by all staff, students and individuals acting on behalf of the University or in the name of the University including those who hold an honorary status with the University. Former employees who have been conferred privileges at the University, for example, Emeritus Professors, also abide by these principles.