Done Event

CyberSafe Summit

Under the patronage of Mr. Khaled Al-Toukhy, Chairman of the board of Trustees, Prof. Nihad Al-Mahboub, the University President, Prof. Mokhtar Al-Zawahry, the Vice University President for Documentation and Followup, Prof. Rania Al-Gohary, Dean of the College of Information Technology and Artificial Intelligence,

Dr. Khaled Abdel Salam Ali, Head of the Information Systems Department


The College of Information Technology and Artificial Intelligence and The Information Systems Department are honored to invite you to join the CyberSafe Summit, a cybersecurity conference, on Tuesday, December 19th, starting at 10:00

A.M. in the Conference Hall.

This is the second conference organized by the college in this direction. This event is designed to collect nine of the leaders of thought, experts and practitioners to overcome the latest trends, innovations and challenges that constitute the scene of cybersecurity.

The success of this event will be considerably enhanced by your involvement

Event Agenda



Event Host

Under The Patronage Of

1- Bahaa Othman

Security Services Consultant at Group-IB

2- Bishoy Wasfy

GRC director with Cyshield

3- Nabil Magdy Othman

Senior Cybersecurity Consultant at AmiViz

About organizer


  • Date: 2023/12/19
  • Time: 10:00 am - 5:00 pm
  • Location: A.M. in the Conference Hall.
  • Event Categories: (Access) (Alumni) (Community) (Excellence in teaching and research) (Facilites Athletics) (Facilites Central Library) (Facilites Community Engagement) (Facilites Health Services) (Facilites Labs) (Facilites Mosque) (Facilites MUST Test Center)