E- Learning Center


The E-Learning Center at Misr University of Science and Technology (MUST) has been established since 2015 to help faculty members design effective and diverse courses by adopting best technical practices in the learning and teaching process. The E-Learning Center provides leadership and support for educational technology at MUST by working in partnership with academic and administrative units to meet the needs of the leading educational institution in education. The E-Learning Center is the main source of educational technology and its services at the university level are represented in supporting students, faculty, university staff and employees.


Misr University for Science and Technology has received a five-star rating for e-learning from the International Evaluation Body QS to become the first university in Africa to receive this rating. Under the guidance and support of Mr. Khalid Al-Toukhi, Chairman of the Board of Trustees, the development and activation of the activities of the E-Learning Department at the University provide the best educational services for its students.

Departments of the Center

The E-learning Department at the Center provides full support in the use of e-learning methods to faculty members and students in how to use the tools of the e-learning platform by holding workshops and recorded videos. E-learning center have two platforms asynchronous (Moodle, Smart Learning) and synchronous (MS Teams).

The first platform: Moodle or Smart Learning

The university relies on a distinguished e-learning platform, Moodle, and the platform can be accessed through the following link https://smartlearning.must.edu.eg/. It is a complete educational platform on which the university depends in all the educational activities of students and faculty members, some of which are represented in the following:

  • Students access the e-learning platform through the university account of the student or faculty member.
  • Each professor uploads the course scientific material in different types of files (pdf, word, video, virtual objects) on the platform to reach the student in an organized manner according to the content of the course.
  • Designing and receiving assignments and making assessments for the students on the platform.
  • Establishing a question bank for the course based on its ILOS.
  • Using the platform in the attendance process of students inside the lectures using QRCODE
  • The E-learning Department provides support during the electronic exams within the university laboratories in case of facing any problem during the exam

The second platform: MS Teams

  • The E-learning Department of the center provides synchronous session to explain the lesson online through a live broadcast using virtual classrooms.
  • Microsoft Team is used, which is one of the programs of Microsoft company available to all users of the university (students – faculty members – assisting staff) through the university e-mail @must.edu.eg where the E-learning Center has activated all courses for all faculty members and students and was used as virtual class room lectures

The Department of Electronic Correction affiliated to the Department of E-Learning at the Center for Educational Technology provides the correction service for university courses. The paper looks as below:

In the Electronic Correction Department, answer sheets are prepared from the design and testing of the accuracy of the result before distributing them to the faculties. A paper consisting of 90 questions is distributed into five choices (A, B, C, D and E). Prior to the Covid-19 pandemic, at least 190,000 papers were printed by us per semester at the lowest possible ink costs. After that, the faculty members are contacted in terms of the need to adhere to the standards recognized in the answer sheet and alert the students to the need to shade the answers correctly.

  1. The correction process begins with the receipt of envelopes containing the test papers, after which they are properly examined and prepared.
  2. The papers are placed on the scanner and then archived with the course title (and its professor if available).
  3. The program begins to handle the papers and match them with the Model Answer.
  4. After the correction process is done, the result is displayed in the Excel Sheet file as follows:
Students Grades Report
SER ID Grade Score Percentage
1 Model Very Good 30 75.0%
2 78125 Very Good 31 77.5%
3 78180 Weak 19 47.5%
4 78323 Good 28 70.0%
5 78373 Good 27 67.5%
6 78396 Weak 22 55.0%
7 78547 Very Good 30 75.0%
8 78646 Weak 23 57.5%
9 79583 Good 28 70.0%
10 mean Good 28.1 70.2%
  1. A report of the result is delivered to the course instructor with the ID of each student, his grade and college as in the previous table.
  2. After that, the faculty members are contacted in case of problems with the papers. For our part, we keep an archive of correction work from answer sheets and result reports. So far, all these actions have been carried out since 2012 and no complaint has been made as to the correctness, accuracy or delay of the results
  3. The program provides complete statistics about each exam in order to be a clear indicator for the faculty towards the correction process and students’ grades and help towards taking any decision. The following is the form of statistical reports resulting after each exam

Misr University for Science and Technology has relied on the system of international books and international review in the teaching process at the university and abolished the paper book at the university with the aim to deal with the global system in teaching methods based on the interactive book as the university has become a member in the best global e-book platforms:

  • McGraw Hill
  • Elsevier


  • Clinical Key Nursing
  • Clinical Key Pharmacy
  • Clinical Key Dental


  • eBook Subscription Harvard Business Publishing Collection
  • eBook University Press Collection
  • eBook Nursing Collection
  • eBook Arabic Collection
  • eBook Education Collection
  • eBook Business Collection
  • eBook Clinical Collection
  • eBook Engineering Core
  • eBook IT Core Trial
  • eBook Academic Collection
  • eBook Subscription Harvard Business Publishing Collection


  • Access Medicine
  • Access Pharmacy
  • Access Physiotherapy
  • Access Biomedical Science
  • Access Engineering
  • Business Collection
  • Medical Collection
  • Computing & TAB Collection
  • Language Collection


The E-books Department at the center provides full support in how to use these platforms for students and faculty members and each academic year these books are evaluated by scientific committees in the faculties. The books are developed periodically in line with the global market, as the study has relied on foreign international references in all disciplines through these platforms.

Egyptian Knowledge Bank (EKB)

The EKB affiliated to the Ministry of Higher Education of Egypt is a national collaboration upon which MUST depends in many fields and almost in all sectors, the medical, art and humanities sciences and STEM as well. In addition, must depends on it in scientific research and all academic activities.

The E-learning Center has prepared a fully equipped studio with all its needs (cameras – hardware – video editor and photo editors programs, … etc) which is affiliated to the Department of E-Learning in the Section of Photography and Montage. This studio is used in the filming and production of theoretical and practical lectures, especially lectures for medical colleges during the Covid-19 virus. As the faculty member or assistant staff reserves an appointment with the E-learning Department to film a lecture inside the studio of the center, and after filming a full montage of the video is made and uploaded on the e-learning platform for students.

Misr University for Science and Technology was keen to establish an electronic Testing Center to keep pace with the digital transformation of the new university community and the transition to smart universities, pointing out that the directions of the political leadership were clear to expand the establishment of electronic centers in all public universities by converting exams to the electronic form and developing the method of measurement and evaluation for students to keep pace with the digital transformation witnessed by the world in all sectors. The center is prepared with the highest level of equipment, infrastructure, devices and modern technologies for digital transformation.

  • The center consists of a number of laboratories containing 400 computers.
  • The center can accommodate 400 computers to hold electronic tests for 400 students at a time.
  • All laboratories in the center are equipped with surveillance cameras.
  • The center is equipped with high-speed Internet to host electronic tests remotely.
  • The center will contain an electronic system for the management of electronic testing software by the E-learning Center at the university.
  • The Electronic Central Testing Center will have a UPS module