About College

The College of Biotechnology at Misr University for Science and Technology was established in 2006 under the leadership of Mr. Khalid Altoukhy, Chancellor and President of the Board of Trustees by Presidential Decree Number 283.

The College was awarded a bachelor’s degree in biotechnology (B.Sc. in Biotechnology) according to Minister decree No. 129 on 12/8/2009 and a master’s degree in biotechnology (M.Sc. in Biotechnology) according to Minister decree No. 776 on 16/3/2015 in two programs: Medical and Pharmaceutical Biotechnology – Environmental and Agricultural Biotechnology.

The College is accredited by the National Authority for Quality Assurance and Accreditation and publishes international scientific research published in journals with a high impact factor.

Program of Study

The student is required to complete  successfully a minimum of 144 Credit Hours, according to bylaw 2018, for graduation distributed as follows:  

  • University requirement: 15 Credit Hours
  • College requirements: 129 Credit Hours (105 Compulsory & 24 Elective)

Post Graduate programs

  • Masters in Medical and Pharmaceutical Biotechnology
  • Masters in Environmental and Agricultural Biotechnology 


Notable Alumni

Amin Abdellatif
Dr. Yasser Morsy
Dr. Marwa Amer
Kerollos Moussa

Scientific Degrees

The College of Biotechnology at Misr University for Science and Technology was established in 2006 by Presidential Decree Number 283 to serve the region and other countries by preparing the graduates to carry out their responsibilities taking into consideration our heritage in an industrialized challenging world.

  • The Bachelor's degree in Biotechnology